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2015-03-30 14:44:37 阅读:

 Substitution n. 取代反应

Substitution involves replacing an atom by another atom .

Addition reaction n. 加成反应

Addition reactions involve two molecules joining together to form a single new molecule. 

Elimination n. 消去反应

Elimination involves the removal   of a molecule from a large one. The addition of ethene to steam may be reversed by passing ethonal vapour over a hot catalyst such as pumic. A water molecule is eliminated.
CH3CH2OH(g) → CH2=CH2(g) + H2O(g)  

Hydrolysis n. 水解反应

Hydrolysis reactions involve breaking covalent bonds by reaction with water. The substitution of the bromine atom in bromoethane by hydrolysis is also a hydrolysis. The reaction proceeds much more slowly in water.
CH3CH2Br(l) + H2O(l) → CH3CH2OH(aq) + HBr(aq)    
水解反应是指和水反应断开一个共价键的过程。   例如溴乙烷和水反应生成乙醇和溴化氢的过程。

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