
2020-03-24 10:14:55阅读:24

爱华安民学校在实施国家教材标准的基础上,结合北京爱迪国际学校(Aidi School)的国际课程教学经验和资源优势,由爱迪的专业师资团队打造,聘用优秀的中外籍教师共同实施教学。在中文及中国文化学习的基础上,强化英文应用,以项目式学习方法,注重对学生跨学科综合能力的培养。爱华安民学校与爱迪国际学校共享优质资源,为学生提供多样的课外学习机会,包括聆听各行业翘楚的讲座,获得世界知名大学教授、艺术家、音乐家、奥运冠军等顶尖专家的指导。



1. 夯实的基础知识 Solid Foundation : 


The Language and Culture Program helps students strengthen their study of Chinese language grammar and cultural etiquette laying the foundation for a culture around their mother tongue and actively promoting English learning as well.

2. 广阔的国际视野 Broad International Perspective :


AHAM Bilingual School offers a domestic basic course and a Cambridge elementary school curriculum taking the best of both worlds while using an open learning atmosphere and a variety of teaching modes. In addition students are encouraged to expand their horizons through overseas classes social practice and museum courses each year.

3. 多元化的兴趣培养 Diverse Interest Development :


AHAM Bilingual School provides a wideranging platform for cultivating students’ diverse interests and specialties. It provides art training in all dimensions such as talent and interest groups and tries extensively to meet the needs of students’individual development.

4. 科技素养与创造力 Technology Literacy and Creativity :


The School Science and Technology Innovation Program trains students in terms of critical thinking creativity and hands-on skills to help students develop 21st century skills and master the technological literacy needed in future society.

5. 超越课堂 Beyond the Classroom : 


A good education extends beyond the required subjects of the curriculum. At Aidi we incorporate special interest classes into the tible as an extension of our regular teaching system. Students can choose from a large range of classes (which are updated regularly according to demand and interest areas) allowing them to develop and gain practical skills in a more kinesthetic environment.



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