
2015-04-04 11:31:08阅读:70

    2014-2015学年的第一个学期即将结束了,同学们在各学科上都汲取了丰富的知识,通过各自的努力,获得了不同程度的回报。我校G2年级修读艺术的同学们,在艺术老师的指导下,围绕着“Old and New”这个主题,完成了多幅艺术作品。学期末,艺术组两位老师:Mr. Joseph Stewart,Ms. Tao Luo 组织了一场别开生面的IGCSE学生艺术作品展。活动前,两位老师向所有师生介绍了展览的目的并简单介绍了学生作品,全文如下:
Old and New Art Exhibition
We are proud to present to all staff and students of Ulink the final pieces made by G2 students as part of their IGCSE Art and Design coursework submission.
The students were challenged to create a series of artworks responding to an Old and New theme.  They were free to choose how to interpret the theme and have done so in a variety of ways.  In the exhibition you will see portraiture built environment still life and artwork informed by personal experience made with a range of materials including acrylic paint watercolour charcoal pencil and mixed media.  Some of the artworks show the old and new theme in an obvious way whilst other students have communicated the theme in a more subtle manner.
Throughout the project students have developed their observational skills; the ability to use line and tone to represent three dimensional form; colour mixing and brush techniques during painting activities and the creative skills to communicate through a piece of visual art.
As part of their project students were required to study the works of two established artists and show the influence of these artists in their final piece.  The artists students studied are from a diverse range of historical and cultural backgrounds and include Frida Kahlo Vincent Van Gogh Zhang Xiao Gang MC Escher Georges Seurat Andy Warhol and Leonardo Da Vinci.
We hope that when you view the artworks you will get the opportunity to discuss the ideas and concepts involved with our young artists.
      当日活动在学校的中厅举行,学生们的作品摆列四周,艺术组还为前来观看展览的师 生们准备了饮品和小吃,大家如同置身于艺术画廊,欣赏着一幅幅作品,交流着彼此的心得。

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