2019-03-28 16:54:50阅读:90
李诗颖Miss SW Li
10年香港课程教学经验,教学风格生动有趣,深受学生喜爱; 曾任职于马鞍山中学、中港英文学校、江门第一中学,在内地具有多年香港中学文凭考试教学指导经验,亲自设计并教授DSE课程,成功培养输送多名学生进入香港高等学府; 丰富的雅思教学经验,指导学生平均成绩6.5以上。 Having been HKDSE instructor for over 10 years Ms. Li’s interesting teaching style was well received by students. With plentiful teaching experience for HKDSE she has designed DSE courses by her own mind and successfully transferred her students to famous universities in Hong Kong.