2015-07-07 17:59:51阅读:104
5月21日下午16:30,一场别开生面的足球赛开始了,对阵双方是黑利伯瑞学校学 生足球队与教职工联队。教职工联队国籍跨越了中外,性别包含了男女,真可谓是“混成旅”;相比而言,学生军整齐划一,在教练Michael McIntyre的指挥下战术素养明显高出一筹。老师联队虽然身体出众但无奈属临时拼凑且年老腿慢,随着体力的下降,学生军逐渐取得了场上的优势,最终, 学生军以1:0取得了胜利。 At 16:30 in the afternoon of May 21 a very special football match started. The competitors were school football team and teacher’s allied team which was composed of Chinese and foreign teachers male and female teachers which really can be called ‘A mix of everything’. Compared to the teachers’ team the students were unified and with Mr. McIntyre as their coach they were better of technically. The teachers really did their best but the team was composed at the last minutes and their ages were higher. With the physical declination the students became dominant gradually and finally won by 1:0. 这场比赛其实是一场检验,检验足球队这段时间的训练成果,作为外出比赛前的一次热身赛,希望他们能再接再厉,不断取得新的胜利。 The real purpose of this match was to check out how the general situation of the football team was after some period of training and was a warm-up match for them. Hope that they can keep on practicing and get better results.