
2015-07-13 17:59:19阅读:81

首先来到伊利集团天津工厂,伊利集团是全国最大的乳制品生产商之一,在讲解员的引导下,我校师生一行了解到伊利产品的生产过程引进了国际领先的设备,采用 先进的机械化挤奶设备,原奶运输环节全程GPS监控,确保牛奶安全到厂。整个生产环节,采用真空灌装技术,确保全程无菌、密闭。参观即将结束之时,我们又 品尝到伊利最新出品的酸奶,为参观画上一个酸爽甜蜜的句号。
临近中午,大家乘车来到北运河休闲驿站,在阳光、绿草、蓝天、河水的陪伴下,大家享受着美食、游戏带来的欢乐!北运河是京杭大运河的最北段,开凿于7世纪 初的隋朝年间,是我国重要的南北交通线,历经1400年,见证了中国历史唐宋达到鼎盛,明清落后于世界,现在重新崛起的全部过程。
While it was middle of April and was the best time to see the nature. At 8:30 in the morning of April 17 all the students and all staff started off for the school excursion.
First we went to the Yili Dairy Factory. Yili is one of the biggest dairy suppliers in China. Guided by the hosts we got to know that Yili has the most advanced equipment. They use the best milking machine. All the producing procedure is under GPS observation to ensure that the milk arrives in Yili without any problems. The production line is vacuumed bottling so that it’s sealed and without bacteria. By the end of the visit we got the opportunity to taste the up to date yogurt which brought us to the end of the “sweet and sour “visit.
When it was approaching lunch time we went to the Yunhe Recreation Center. We enjoyed our delicious food with sunshine blue sky green grass the river and the games! This location of North Cannel is the very north end of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Cannel which was dug during the Sui Dynasty at the beginning of the 7th century. It is one of the most important transportation lines in China. Over 1400 years it witnessed the complete process of China at its most prosperous period of Tang and Song Dynasties its falling behind the world in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and now its rising up again.
Through the excursion the students have experienced both the modern civilization of Yili Dairy Factory and the ancient civilization brought to them by the old Grand Cannel. At 14:30 everybody was boarded on the bus heading back to school and fulfilled the school excursion.

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