2015-07-14 17:50:47阅读:110
6月27日下午,秉承着“人人都是艺术家”的艺术生活理念,澳洲黑利伯瑞国际学校部 分师生参加了在北京世贸天阶举行的绘画活动,多名来自美术院校的艺术家亲自授课,为学生们提供绘画培训,充分挖掘学生的审美意识,帮助他们从绘画的过程中 体验艺术之美。每个学生都有潜藏的艺术细胞,但平时课堂学习任务繁重,很难有更多的精力顾及在艺术方面,这个活动正好给那些喜欢绘画却苦于无处可学习的同 学们提供了一个体验的机会。这也是我校丰富多彩的课程的一个组成部分,培养学生的艺术审美情趣,增强多方面的素质,目标是把我校学生培养成高水准的具有国 际化视野的学生。
On the afternoon of June 27 d on the concept that “Everyone is an artist” some teachers and students were involved in the painting activity which was held at World Trade Plaza in Beijing. Many famous artists from different fine art institutes were at the sight to deliver lectures. They provided training courses to the students made efforts to discover their aesthetic consciousness and helped them to appreciate the beauty of the art. Every student has the potential artistic flair. But due to the busy schedule at school they hardly have time to practice. This activity offered this opportunity just at the right time so the students can practice painting. It also contributed to a colorful school life that helps to develop the students’ interests of art more skills and to educate them to the standard of international level.