2015-10-26 18:21:49阅读:129
1. 持续引进优质外教,办一流国际教育 Ten more foreign teachers joined Haileybury International School
由于黑利伯瑞国际学校的快速发展, 10余位经验丰富的外籍教师加入了黑利伯瑞国际学校大家庭。这些教师在来中国前在澳大利亚黑利伯瑞学校接受了为期一周的培训。
As a result of the rapid expansion of Haileybury International School ten more experienced international teachers have joined the school. Here they are pictured at Haileybury’s Australian campus where they completed a week of training before travelling to China for the start of classes.
2. 澳洲Firbank Girls College校长来校交流 The Principal of Firbank Girls College visited Haileybury International School
黑利伯瑞国际学校为中国学生提供世界领先水平的高质量教学课程。9月18日,来自FirbankGirls College的校长和教学主任来到黑利伯瑞国际学校参观。他们参观了一系列课程和学生集会,对于黑利伯瑞的高水平教学设施和师资给予了高度评价。
Haileybury International School is developing a worldwide reputation for offering a high class program to Chinese students. On Sept.18th the Principal and Head of Curriculum from Firbank Girls College in Australia came to see the innovative new programs. They visited a range of classes and a school assembly and commented on the high quality of the facilities and teachers at the school.
3. 黑利伯瑞毕业班学生宣誓 Haileybury’s first Year 12 class was inducted to the school
On Sept. 18th Haileybury’s first Year 12 class was inducted to the school. They accepted the rights and responsibilities of a Senior Student at Haileybury. The students all promised to give of their best in attitude manner and actions and to respect the rights of others.
4. 澳洲维多利亚州新任州长首次访华 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews visited to China
澳大利亚维多利亚州新任州长丹尼尔·安德鲁于9月20日至27日率团访华,以促进与中国的关系与贸易往来。丹尼尔·安德鲁和他的团队将访问北京,南京,成 都。旨在吸引中国投资,促进双方贸易往来,以及吸引更多中国留学生赴澳学习深造。他表示和中国保持良好关系对澳大利亚的经济是至关重要的。
Australia’s Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews started visit to China to boost relations and trade with China from Sept.20th -27th. Andrews and his party visited Beijing Nanjing and Chengdu as part of the week-long trip in an attempt to lure further Chinese investment trade and students to the region. Andrews said maintaining and strengthening the relationship with China is paramount to the state’s economy.
5. 4所澳洲知名大学来我校交流演讲 Four famous Australian universities made presentation in Haileybury
9月23日,来自南澳大学,昆士兰大学,皇家墨尔本理工大学和墨尔本大学的代表来到黑利伯瑞国际学校参观,并在学校剧院对各大学的优势,成就以及专业设置 做了详细介绍。黑利伯瑞国际学校10-12年级的全体学生参加了该演讲。学生们不仅对各学校有了比较详细的了解,更有助于他们未来的职业发展规划。
On Spet. 23 the representatives from University of South Australia University of Queensland RMIT University and The University of Melbourne visited Tianjin Haileybury International School. They made presentation to introduce the strength achievement and curriculum of the school. All year 10-12 students attended the seminar in the school theater. It is a good opportunity for students to get some information about different universities. It is also helpful for their future career planning.
6. 与美国圣保罗中学足球友谊赛 Football match with Saint Paul American School
On Sept.24thHaileybury International School and Saint Paul American School had a football match. The students showed their good football skill and further enhanced the communication and friendship.