2015-12-03 17:59:02阅读:203
近日全国都或多或少的降温,京津冀地区已是冰天雪地,气温降到了零下。对于这样的气温,让自己感到温暖的保健方法,除了衣物就是饮食营养,尤其是早餐。所 谓早餐如进补,早餐的营养直接决定一天的饮食质量。黑利伯瑞餐厅食品安全管理师指出,早餐距前一天晚餐时间最长,如果你不吃早餐,体内存储的糖原消耗殆 尽,应及时补充,否则会出现血糖过低的情况,表现为反应迟钝,注意力不集中,学习效率低等影响到一整天的学习。
As the days are getting cold proper diet is important for students’ growth and health especially for breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep. The kids‘ growing bodies and developing brains need refueling from nutritious breakfast. The nutrition expert of Haileybury International School suggests that the kids need to eat breakfast to perform their best in study.
1记录学生营养摄入信息鉴于学生营养摄入和健康考虑,食品安全管理会认真记录学生的就餐情况, 例如是否按时就餐、就餐量和年龄、日常运动量等是否匹配等信息。
2跟踪食品加工的每一道工序另一方面,也非常关注餐厅营养师营养计划的落实情况和效果,例如,工作人员持带配备是否齐全卫生、食材是否在保质期内,食品加 工过程是否符合加工操作程序,更有甚者,还会记录餐厅餐盘的配餐时间、餐盘摆放是否合格。她认坚信,健康的饮食生活,除了需要健康的饮食习惯,还需要健康 的食材作为支持。
Considering healthy development of the kids the nutrition expert takes record of each meal for students including meal time the nutrition intake etc. She also supervisesthe implementation of the nutrition program including canteen sanitation food safety and food collocation. She believes healthy life comes from healthy diet.