黑利伯瑞国际学校新任CEO应邀出席2015澳中杰出校友奖颁奖晚会 --- 2015 Australia China Alumni Awards Gala Dinner

2015-12-04 18:16:10阅读:191


    The 2015 Australia China Alumni Awards Gala Dinner was held by the Australia China Alumni Association on 21st November 2015 in Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. Over 250 representatives from the Australian Embassy Australian universities and corporations participated in this grand event and celebrated for the 9 winners.

黑利伯瑞国际学校新任执行总裁John McSwiney博士发表讲话

    本次颁奖晚宴上,曾获“澳中成就奖”的黑利伯瑞学校被此次组委会给予了高度肯定,黑利伯瑞国际学校新任执行总裁John McSwiney博士作为抽奖嘉宾应邀出席晚宴,并发表演讲,分享黑利伯瑞国际学校在中国推行澳洲教育的经验,另外,来自黑利伯瑞国际学校的澳大利亚杰出校友也参与了此次晚会。

    Haileybury International School who had earlier won “Australia-China Achievement Award” was highly praised by the ACAA committee. At the Gala Dinner Dr. John McSwiney the new CEO of Haileybury International School delivered a speech outlining the 120 years’ successful educational experience of Haileybury and he was invited to present the lucky draw prize. Some outstanding Australian university alumni working at Haileybury International School attended this event.


    澳中同学联谊会是一个极具包容性的组织,面向所有毕业于澳洲大学现居住在中国的澳洲校友。该协会也是一个高水准的组织,通过举办商务及社交活动,组织职业 发展讲座,以及分享校友成功经验等不同方式,推动了澳洲教育在中国的发展,也支持全国范围内各澳洲大学校友组织的稳定发展,以及各行业协会的壮大。同时, 澳中同学联谊会还有来自澳大利亚政府教育部以及34所澳大利亚大学的资助。他们的支持和帮助极大的促进了澳大利亚海外学子网络的壮大,为日益发展的澳中关 系做出了杰出贡献。

    The Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) is an inclusive organization open to all China-d alumni of Australian universities.The ACAA serves as a high-profile umbrella alumni organization with the aims of promoting Australian education via the success of alumni and supporting alumni in China throughbusiness and social networking. The ACAA also supports the development of strong sustainable individual university alumni chapters across China as well as industry-specific interest clubs. The ACAA is funded by 34 of Australia’s universities which is helping to create Australia’s biggest overseas alumni network.

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