2015-12-14 17:53:47阅读:93
For the fifth year in a row exceptional Haileybury Science students were invited by their teachers to sit the Science (Biology Chemistry and/or Physics) Olympiad qualifying examinations.
The Australian Science Olympiad Competition is run by Australian Science Innovations (ASI). It provides students throughout the nation with opportunities to enhance their scientific knowledge understanding and skill.
在2015年,超过4250名来自澳洲270所学校的学生在八月份参加了考试。澳大利亚黑利伯瑞学校的学生共获得了24个奖项。特别祝贺Kisal Kirinde同学,她获得生物比赛的金牌和化学比赛的银牌。Kisal将于明年一月份在堪培拉参加全国夏季奥林匹克竞赛。
In 2015,Over 4250 students from 270 schools across Australias at these exams in August. A total of 24 prizes were awarded to Haileybury students. A special congratulations goes to Kisal Kirinde who received the gold medal in Biology and silver medal in Chemistry. Kisal will compete at the National Summer Olympiad in Canberra in January.