2015-12-31 16:09:57阅读:95
2015年12月1日,黑利伯瑞国际学校升学指导中心的崔洁老师为11年级的学生进行了升学指导和职业规划的 讲座,以便帮助学生尽早做好申请澳洲大学的准备。她从澳洲高校排名、VCE考试成绩计算方法、考试科目的加分项与减分项、大学专业选择与VCE课程的关系 等多方面内容进行了详细的介绍,并给大家提供了相关高校和专业的查询网址,希望大家提前做好复习备考和申请学校的准备。讲座后她将与每位学生进行一对一的 交流,以便针对每个人不同的情况进行相应的升学指导。
On December 1st 2015 Jacqueline Cui from Haileybury Career Counselling Center made a presentation to all Year 11students. Jacqueline helped students to make plan for Australian university application and their future career development. She introduced the ranking of Australian universities VCE results calculation method VCE curriculums university majors and websites related to university application. In the following days she will talk to each student to help them make individual study and career development plan.