
2016-01-04 18:26:29阅读:92

在黑利伯瑞众多学生培养模式中,互帮互带跨年级交流学习是 特色之一,小学生可以有机会走进中学课堂,在中学教师和中学学长学姐的帮助下,独立参与实验学习。黑利伯瑞希望借此为小学生创造了与中学生交流的机会,通 过互帮互带,一方面,中学生借帮助小学生来检验知识转化应用能力,另一方面,低年级学习通过直观接触科学提升学习的兴趣和积极性。

A feature of Haileybury curriculum is the joint session for science experiment between primary school students and senior high school students. The resulting experiments not only generate an enthusiasm and understanding of science for primary school students but also provide a great opportunity for older students to actively mentor and share with the younger students.


2015年12月1日下午,黑利伯瑞国际学校小学部的学生与11年级 高中生一起上了一堂有趣的化学课。VCE化学和物理老师Mr. Andrew Settle用生动的实验引出火山喷发的化学原理,使在场的小学生充满了好奇。随后,孩子们纷纷拿着自己制作的火山模型走上讲台,在老师的帮助下完成了模 拟火山喷发的小实验。通过亲自做实验,他们自然而然地将实验原理牢记于心。看着自己的小火山喷出彩色的“岩浆”,他们的小脸上露出了兴奋的笑容,而 Andrew Settle老师则不忘与每个孩子击掌表示祝贺和鼓励,“Good job!”

On the afternoon of December 1st 2015 Haileybury primary school students joined Year 11 chemistry class for a joint session. Mr. Andrew Settle the VCE chemistry and physics teacher taught students the chemical principle of volcanic eruption through a hands-on science learning program. The primary school students made simulated volcanic eruption experiments under the guidance of Mr. Andrew Settle. They were excited with the success of the experiments and got deeper understanding of the chemical knowledge.


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