2016-01-05 17:53:49阅读:87
We have introduced the list of top 100 books recommended by Times Higher Education for secondary school students and the reading program of Haileybury International School which were well received by students and parents. With the list students can easily choose the books which are more suitable for them. As some parents are interested in English teaching method we will introduce some featured English leaning programs for Haileybury students as below.
Most of the senior high school students used to learn English by memorizing vocabulary and grammar and doing plenty of exercises while Haileybury International School emphasizes on developing the ability of the use of English as Englishis a tool for study communication and thinking.
Develop English Speaking Environment
Haileybury develops English speaking environment to elevate the interest and achievement of the students in learning English especially for the Year 11 and Year 12students who take VCE curriculum. The subjects of VCE are taught in Englishand most of the VCE teachers are from Australia. Haileybury also encourages students to communicate in English after class.
前期在谈到阅读时提及VCE考试对阅读量有一定的要求,是的,无论是申请澳洲名校还是欧美名校,优秀的英语阅读能力都是加分项。好的阅读习惯能够解决大多 数的英语问题,但阅读也是需要方法的。所以黑利伯瑞设有英语阅读项目,培养学生英语阅读原著的习惯,并定期推荐适合学生年龄段阅读的英文原著,其中不乏热 门小说、景点戏剧读本和电影读本等类型,再进一步地,学生在阅读过程中需要做读书笔记,来记录学到的新单词、新句型,学生们还会定期进行阅读心得交流。阅 读是一种输入,当输入足够多了,自然就会有输出,表达和书写能力也会随之提高。
English Famous Book Reading Program
Good reading ability is a big advantage when applying for western top universities. English famous book reading is an important part of Haileybury Reading Program. Teachers recommend the suitable famous books to students to their level including popular novels plays and movies etc. Students take reading journal to record the new vocabularies new sentences and share their opinions with each other.
英语既然是一门工具,就要在使用中得以改进与提升。黑利伯瑞设有形式多样的英语活动,以供学生能将其所学得以应用。在这些活动中,学生不仅仅是参与者,还 是组织者。学校希望借诸如英语广播访谈、英语戏剧表演、英语辩论等英语俱乐部来激发学生对于英语的热情与激情。毕竟,兴趣是最好的老师。
English Clubs
Interest can be a very good teacher hence plenty of co-curriculum programs are designed for Haileybury students to practice English and foster a love of English such as English radio broadcast English drama and English debating contest etc.