
2016-03-11 16:16:45阅读:96

4月16日上午,我校以Nicholas Dwyer博士为首的部分外教与中方人员前往东丽区东湖生态园,参加天津市外国专家局组织的主题为“共建美丽天津,共享绿色成果”植树活动。活动中,我校 人员与其他外国专家、海外人才相互协作,圆满完成了“播撒绿色,共建友谊”的植树活动。

On April 16 led by Dr. Dwyer some of our foreign teachers and Chinese Staff went to the East Lake Ecological Garden for a tree planting activity which was organized by Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs of Tianjin municipal government aiming at co-construction of beautiful Tianjin and sharing of the green products. Staff from our school and foreign experts from other companies worked together throughout the whole activity and fulfilled task as “Spreading the green land and develop the friendship.”

黑利伯瑞国际植树活动 黑利伯瑞国际植树活动 黑利伯瑞国际植树活动 黑利伯瑞国际植树活动

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