美国Lee Academy高级中学总校校长寄语

2017-06-21 16:58:36阅读:65

  Headmaster’s Welcome:  American Lee Academy International School

  美国Lee Academy高级中学总校校长寄语

  Dear students and parents:


  American Lee Academy International School (Shanghai) is a school where academic excellence and an infusion of the arts provide students with a creative and expressive world of opportunity.  Our school nurtures an environment of both intellectual and performing achievement providing a global education that will prepare students for further education careers in the arts and citizenship in the 21st century.

  美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)有着卓著的学术水准和出众的艺术氛围,为学生提供一片广阔的天地,来展现他们的创造力和表现力。我校旨在营造一个学术和艺术完美结合的全球化的教育环境,为学生继续深造、开创艺术事业并立足21世纪打下基础。

  Lee Academy which has been opening doors to the world since 1845 is pleased and proud to partner with Shanghai Film Art Academy to create a premier international high school to serve the parents and students of Shanghai and the many cities and regions of China.  Lee Academy has a long and successful history of working with the people of China in the area of international education and anticipates landmark outcomes from the unique and focused composition of Lee Shanghai International Arts Academy.

  美国Lee Academy高级中学自1845年建校以来便向世界敞开大门,我们很高兴也很自豪能与上海电影艺术学院合作创建一流的国际学校,为上海和中国许多其它地区的学生和家长提供服务。美国Lee Academy高级中学与中国在国际教育方面的合作有着悠久的历史和成功的经验,我们期待着美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)这所独特又精致的学校能开创历史先河。

  Students and parents will find that American Lee Academy International School (Shanghai) values achievement in all of its forms and celebrates the successes of students in all that they do whether in the classroom on the stage or in competition.  Provided with a diverse and supportive environment for learning and growing students will benefit from the opportunity to gain knowledge and skill and to demonstrate personal .


  Our philosophy is to partner with others who demonstrate excellence provide an outstanding faculty and facility to support learning and to encourage and challenge each individual student to aspire to personal and professional excellence.


  It is my sincere hope that you and your child will see the value and potential in an American Lee Academy International School (Shanghai) education and join us as a member of our inaugural class.


  W. Gus LeBlanc

  Chief Educational Officer

  Lee Shanghai International Arts Academy

  W. Gus LeBlanc

  美国Lee Academy高级中学


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  上海美国Lee Academy学校,艺术生的天堂!


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