
2016-04-30 16:07:58阅读:64


  管理特点/Student Management

  实行学生管理导师制,对学生三年成长进行全过程专业指导、成长引导和生活助导。实 现师生互动、家校互动、全程服务、跟踪管理。

  实行教学管理走班制,对学生进行个性化、分层化、小班化的区别性和选择性教育,让 学生学得主动、学中互动、学后会行动,增强教学的针对性和有效性。

  实行身心健康科学指导制,运用科学的心理调适杠杆,疏解学生成长中的困难和困惑, 尊重学生人格形成,激励学生内源性学习热情和人格自信,提高学生有效成长率,提升教 育的成功率。We implement a tutor system in student management in which teachers provide students with professional tutoring in study life and personal development during their three-year schooling. achieving the best possible student-teacher and school-family interactions.

  We have a tailored teaching system for our students. in which personalized and differentiated teaching solutions are provided d on the developmental needs of individual students such small class teaching and grouping students according to their interests. Such targeted solutions encourage students to be active learners in interactive settings thus enhancing the efficiency of teaching.

  Additionally we have developed a psychological counseling system to help student address psychological problems that they encounter as they grow building good personalities endogenous passions for learning and confidence for their optimal personal development and academic performance.

  管理模式/Management Model

  以课程管理为主线,以评价体系为抓手、以学生发展为主导,形成“以学生为本”的工作 氛围和中西文化和谐相融的管理制度。

  We have developed a student-centric management model that focuses on curriculum management for optimal student development and embraces Chinese and Western management cultures. We also have an uation system in place to support this model.

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