2016-06-19 14:59:51阅读:93
University of Western Ontario Ranked 9th.
西安大略大学又 称韦仕敦大学(University of Western Ontario or Western University),是位于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的一所著名医学博士类公立大学,简称为UWO、Western或者Western Ontario。有超过一百三十多年的学术积累及深厚的人力资源背景。它的商科最为出名,是北美案例法教育的两大发源地之一(另一个是哈佛大学)。本部医 学院享有极高的国际声誉和影响力,在小型化低耗性外科手术领域上承前启后,取得举世瞩目的成就。除此之外,西安大略大学在其他研究项目也拥有极强的实力。 在体表风洞、可替代性能源、小型化工业用引擎、食品营养学等领域上有深厚的造诣,在国际上居领先地位。加拿大《环球邮报》大学排名,大型大学(注册全日制 学生22000名以上)教学质量,学生满意度排名全加第一。它是加拿大U15及加拿大老四校成员之一。
学校占地1120亩,泰晤士河从主校区穿过。西安大略大学共有12个学院,提供从学士到博士以及非学位项目的各种学科的课程,除此之外还有3个附属的大学学 院。该校的理察�艾菲商学院 (Richard Ivey School of Business) 享有很高的国际声誉,是北美案例法教育的两大发源地之一。
The University of Western Ontario which is commonly referred to among Canadian universities as Western is a public research university located in London Ontario Canada. The university's main campus covers 455 hectares (1120 acres) of land with the Thames River running through the eastern portion. Western administers a wide variety of academic programs between 12 faculties and professional schools and three affiliated university colleges.
The University of Western Ontario is situated in the city of London Ontario located in the southwestern end of the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. The majority of the campus is surrounded by residential neighbourhoods with the Thames River bisecting the eastern portion of the campus. Western Road is the major transportation artery of the university going north to south. While the campus covers 455 hectares (1120 acres) the majority of the teaching facilities are centred within the core approximately 169.3 hectares (418 acres).