
2015-01-19 09:36:57阅读:199

  “我认为B.C课程的灵活性非常棒。这样的灵活性体现在,我能自主选择我真正喜欢的课程,并且可以利用课余时间再自己感兴趣的领域里学习、探索。The best thing I like about my school is the flexibility that the British Columbia high program provides. It has allowed me to choose the courses which I really like to study and manage my own free time to work on what I am the most interested in.” 施润杰 Bill 2011级

  “在这所学校中,老师们不会布置超负荷的作业,但却能让同学们在潜移默化中学到技能与知识,提升能力。我们成为学习的‘主人’,而不是被动的接收者,我们学会自律,学会主动,大家为了各自的未来而努力。在这里,每个人的生活都快乐而充实,却又是那么的与众不同。In this school there are not much homework from teachers. However students can learn new skills and knowledge unwittingly for all of things here are depending on self-discipline. Everybody lives happily with striving yet so different.”过雨洲 Gladys 2013级

  “在教科实验中学国际部的第一个学期接近尾声 在这一学期中我感悟到了西方教育与原先国内教育的差异。我非常喜欢这一改变,因为它让我变得更加开朗,更具自信,使我在学习上完全发挥了潜能,使我充分相信一分耕耘一分收获,通过努力完全能实现我的梦想——进入理想大学。我喜欢这里提供的课程、这里的老师,短短三个月的学习让我打消了最初的顾虑,很快融入了学校生活,我很庆幸当初选择了这所学校的加拿大课程。 My first semester in Shanghai United International School Jiaoke Campus is coming to an end. In this semester I realize the obvious difference between western education and previously domestic education. I extremely like this change on me because it not only makes me more active and confident but also gives full play to my potential. I completely believe the saying “No pains no gains” and then I will finally realize my dream to enter my ideal university. I like the courses and teachers SUIS provided so I very quickly immersed myself in the surroundings and put away my worries after 3 months of studying in SUIS. I am very fortunate to make right decision to SUIS.” 吴诗言 IVY 2013级

  “当同龄人在国内应试教育下,以高考为唯一目的的机械化学习时,我却可以根据自己的特长与兴趣,畅游在知识的海洋中。幽默的外教老师,亲切的ESL老师,让我在学校生活中享受着当学生的快乐。 When my peers are studying in the exam-oriented education for the only aim of the college entrance examination I can swim in the sea of knowledge and develop my own advantages and interests here. The humorous Canadian teachers and the kind ESL teachers make me experience the happiness of being a student.” 周兆秋 Stone 2010级-现就读于UBC大学

  “学校为我们提供了很多极好的课程,我从中找到了自己的兴趣和梦想。在这里,我参加了很多精彩活动和节日庆典,比如万圣节活动和圣诞庆祝,我们的加拿大校长在万圣节装扮成海盗给我们发糖的情景至今让我记忆犹新。在教科的三年留下了太多美好的回忆,这些经历最终让我叩开了国外高校的大门。感谢教科实验中学帮助我学到了国外文化,给予我独立探索的精神,让我可以在如此快的时间适应国外生活。SUIS offers plenty of useful and fabulous courses which helped me find my interests and dreams. In addition I got involved in a lot of extraordinary activities and festivals like Halloweens and Christmas. Even now I still memorize that our principle playing a role of a pirate presented us candies on Halloween. In general too many memorable things happened to me in the three years of SUIS. As well it is a key to foreign universities. I am grateful to SUIS for helping me learn international culture and making me independent and adventurous so that I can adapt to the overseas life fast.”姜和凤 Iris 2010级 现就读于加拿大西安大略大学

  “高中三年,我不仅受到规范的知识教育,各种能力也得到极大提高,性格更加开朗,体格更加强壮。毕业时很顺利地被美国的几所大学录取,因为我热爱商科,因而选择了印第安纳大学。印第安纳大学地处美国中东部,有8个校区,近9万名各类学生,包括凯利商学院在内的3个学科排名全美前10名。正是协和教科让我掌握了西式的学习方式,这最终让我叩开了心仪学校的大门。I had received a good education in the past three years of my high school. The experience in SUIS Jiaoke Campus equipes me with a much more competent outgoing and stronger characteristic. Thus I had been fortunately admitted to several universities in America. Finally I chose Indiana University for my favor of business studies. Located in the mid-east of USA the 8 campuses of IU live nearly 90000 students. Three of its subjects are ranked top 10 in the USA including the famous Kelley School of Business. Thanks to SUIS Jiaoke Campus I had an opportunity to learn things in western ways and finally open the door of my favorite university. ”王子树 Andy2010级 现就读于美国印第安纳大学

  “在加拿大麦吉尔大学学习对我来说充满挑战却意义非凡,这份成功让我惊喜。非常幸运,高中阶段我能够在教科实验中学国际部学习,正是这里帮助我完善了自己的品格,拓宽了视野。感谢学校老师帮助我提高了英语水平,感谢所有同学陪伴我一起走过刻苦而又难忘的高中生活。无论在哪里,我会一直惦记着我的母校。Studying at McGill University is a valuable experience full of challenges and obstacles. I am surprised by my success and feel lucky enough to be a student of Shanghai United International Jiaoke Campus where I enrich my personality and widen my horizon. I appreciate all my teachers assisting me in improving my English and all my classmates accompanying me through a hard and unforgettable high school life. Wherever I am I miss my high school a lot. ” 郑双城 Jack 2010级 现就读于加拿大麦吉尔大学

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