
2015-07-02 14:38:17阅读:207


  On June 24 the Commencement Ceremony for 2015 graduates was held on SUIS Jiaoke Campus.
  72 students from the 2015 graduating classes this year have received offers for further study from almost 100 prestigious universities in the world among which 75% offers are from top 100 universities in the world including outstanding institutions like University of Toronto University of British Columbia McGill University Simon Fraser University The University of Sydney University of New South Wales University of Manchester University of Leeds Georgia Institute of Technology University of Illinois and New York Film School. Furthermore 13 institutions offer scholarships to 14 students which are worth RMB 60000 in total. There is much to celebrate.
  典礼的每个细节都令人难忘。家长代表致辞让同学们深刻体会到家长的爱与不舍。BC课程校长Mr. Angelski 校长,协和教育集团副主席李立维先生的致辞让我们为同学们取得的成绩感到骄傲。教师代表致辞也为同学们今后的学习和生活给出了建议。毕业生们还献上精心准备的表演来告别高中生活。最令人感动的是学生的毕业感言和教师赠言的视频回顾,无不流露出学生们的不舍以及师生间的情谊。整场典礼充满了爱和依依惜别之情。
  The grand ceremony was really unforgettable. Wishes from parents showed their love and concern. Speeches from BC Principal Mr. Angelski and vice chairman of SUIS Mason Lee showed how proud they were for the achievements of the graduates. Teachers also gave their advices on the future life and study. What surprised us was the amazing performance of the graduates and what touched us deeply were the videos with reflections from the teachers and graduates. The whole ceremony was full of love and the unwillingness to part.
  Graduates our staff is proud of you and of your accomplishments. You have been encouraged to follow your dreams and to pursue a post-secondary experience of your choice. Today’s ceremony symbolizes the commencement of the next phase of your journey leading to greater independence in your learning and the life that you will create for yourself.
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