
2015-10-12 16:16:24阅读:69


  据升学指导老师Ted介绍,参与此次说明会的共有23所大学,主要为美国大学 其中不乏像约克大学、德保罗大学、印第安纳大学这样的世界知名学府。参会的招生工作人员热情地为学生们介绍学校历史、专业设置、申请条件等,并留下了学生们的联系方式。而最受学生欢迎的莫过于约克大学的商科专业、德保罗大学的艺术类专业。
  This First University Fair of This Term Held in International Stream
  The University enrollment briefing session (for universities in America and Canada) was held in the study resource center of International Streamon the morning of September 21.Studentsfrom all grades and their parents participated in the session.
  According to Ted Career and Guidance Counselorthose participated in the session were 23 universities from America including great universities likeYork University DePaul University Indiana University. Admissionscounselors introduced school history major settings& application conditions and collected the students contact information. The business major in York University and the art majorin DePaul University are most popular with students.
  Stay tuned as similar university fair will be held next year.
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