
2016-04-30 14:06:56阅读:209

   上海燎原国际高中 (http://www.51guoji.com/shlyzx/)报道:2016年寒假里我和Hellen一同前往嘉兴敬老院,为那里的老人做了一些力所能及的事,虽然这次志愿者活动只有短短的4个小时时间,但这段经历却带给我许多感想。

  During the winter vacation I went to the nursing homes in Jiaxing with my friend Hellen. We did a lot of things for the elderly living there. Although we just worked for 4 hours I learned a lot from this volunteer activity.


  On that morning when we got to the nursing home there were many volunteers who had already started to clean the bed rooms.


  We made a lot of dumplings and gave the warm shoes to everyone. The old people were also very glad to see us.


  We talked a lot with them. Some of them cannot speak. So they can smile and nod to respond to us. Although it was just simple communications I can feel that they felt grateful to us.


  During this experience I learned that to be a volunteer is a very tiring job but meanwhile I also learned the significance of being a volunteer. We are trying to let the old feel warm and feel the love.

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