上海市燎原中学慈善日特邀嘉宾:Julia Yalalova

2016-05-13 15:38:35阅读:186

   上海市燎原中学(http://www.51guoji.com/jdjjy/)报道:上海燎原国际学校将在2016年5月14日下午14:30,在闵行区龙盛国际商业广场举办燎原慈善日,我们特邀嘉宾之一Julia Yalalova将会出演,欢迎你们的参与!

  Liaoyuan is very excited to announce another special guest attending Liaoyuan's 3rd annual Charity Day at the Lonsen Plaza in Minhang.


  Our friend Julia Yalalova from the Northern Region of Sakhalin Island in the Far East of Russia has participated in hundreds of singing competitions shows and festivals in Russia and China.

  这位神秘的特邀嘉宾,就是我们的朋友 Julia Yalalova。Julia Yalalova 来自位于俄罗斯远东地区的萨哈林岛北部。Julia前前后后在俄罗斯和中国参加过数百个歌唱比赛、表演和节庆活动。

  Currently pursuing a PhD at the renowned Harbin Institute of Technology in the field of Business Administration she sings songs in Russian Chinese and English.

  目前,Julia 在著名的哈尔滨工业大学攻读工商管理博士学位。她多才多艺,既会唱俄罗斯歌曲,又会唱中文和英文歌曲。

  Her most recent project is for the song-track to the Chinese-Japanese movie "East Nanjing".

  Julia 最近正在忙一部中日电影"East Nanjing"的歌曲配音工作。

  Come to Liaoyuan Charity Day at the Lonsen Plaza and hear her amazing voice!



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