
2016-06-20 13:45:31阅读:31


  India Collaborative Leadership Program (二)
  Collaborative Leadership Programs
  Most of our schools begin with a 10-21 day program where faculty and students visit a rural partner school in Africa Asia Latin America or the U.S. Our hope is that this initial program begins a long-term sister-school relationship that over time becomes integrated into the learning environment of both schools.
  Our Collaborative Leadership Programs are designed to be challenging learning experiences that involve the following learning ives adapted with permission from Asia Society’s work on Global Competencies:
  ?Investigate the World:
  Before the program students form and participate in “Affinity Teams” focused on global issues such as climate change poverty and education. During the program students and faculty from both cultures work on a school-focused Community Project participate in Collaborative Learning Sessions and spend time together in the community. When appropriate traveling students stay with host families.
  探究世界:项目开始之前,在小组(叫“Affinity Teams”)参加关于全球的问题的活动和讨论(例如,关于全球气候改变,贫穷和教育的问题)。在参加项目中,从国外和本地的 学生和老师都一起专注帮农村的学校的社区的计划, 一起参加合作型学习的活动,还有在社区一起休息聊一聊天。如果有适合的情况,外来的学生会跟住家住在一起。
  Recognize Perspectives:
  Our leadership approach emphasizes self-awareness and the study of local leaders. We believe our community leaders are powerful case studies in global leadership. Students work to understand the perspectives of these leaders and learn to tell their own “leadership stories.”
  Take Action:
  During the program students will work on a Community Project to build school infrastructure such as a classroom dining hall or playing field. Students will learn how to take meaningful and responsible action in response to a local need or issue. WLS alumni have a history of continuing this “call to action” in their future academic and professional work.
  Communicate Ideas:
  At the end of the program students will craft and share a leadership story. The leadership story is a chance for students to reflect upon who they are what they have learned and what lies ahead.
  Our Approach to Leadership Development
  At World Leadership School we believe there isn’t just one way to be a leader. Great leaders have a wide variety of styles approaches and personalities but they do share a few things in common:
  1、Leaders lead from their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses; 懂得扬长避短。
  2、Leaders are active listeners who know that multiple perspectives lead to better solutions; 懂得倾听,因为他们知道多元化的视角意味着更好的解决问题的方式。
  3、Leaders have a compelling leadership story that they embody with their words and actions every day. 他们拥有一个属于自己的领导力故事,以此激励他们言行一致。
  Our leadership program begins with helping students develop self-awareness. Through an assessment d on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) we help students understand their unique “temperament” or personality style. Through understanding their own strengths and weaknesses students build self-awareness and begin to develop a sense of themselves as leaders.
  我们的领导力项目最初是帮助学生提高他们的自我认识。通过Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)测试,我们会帮助学生明白他们自身的行为方式或个人特质。通过了解自身的长处和短处,学生会建立起正确的自我认识,然后开始逐步提高他们作为一个领导的自我认识。
  Next we focus on the study of local community leaders. These individuals serve as inspiring examples of how to overcome obstacles and unite people around a common need or issue. By analyzing the leadership styles of local leaders students learn that leaders operate from a variety of styles and temperaments. This realization is affirming for students who think leadership is mainly about being popular or having a lot of social connections.
  The culmination of our Learning Sessions is the Leadership Story where students articulate a story about who they are and where they are going. After immersing themselves in a rural community working together with host community students and taking a break from technology students are in a unique position to ask: Who am I? What have I learned? What will I do in the future?
  We aspire to help students find passion and purpose in their lives. We believe that students who explore a passion and purpose outside of themselves from an early age will learn and work in more productive and powerful ways in college and in their careers. As our study of WLS alumni demonstrates our programs “empower young leaders to find innovative solutions to the world’s pressing problems.”
  India 印度
  India’s diversity is immense: over 1 billion people 18 main languages 844 dialects and six main religions. India’s rise as a global super power is no longer in doubt. But important questions remain as to how India’s legacy of caste its multicultural mix and a crushing burden of poverty will impact India’s economic future.
  India is an ancient country with over 4000 years of legend and history. It is located in Southern Asia bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal between Burma and Pakistan. Its terrain is marked by plains in the south rolling plains along the Ganges arid deserts in the West and the majestic Himalayan Mountains in the North. Eighty percent of the country is Hindu but India is also the birthplace of Buddhism and contains a growing Muslim population.
  India has capitalized on its large numbers of well-educated people skilled in the English language to become a major exporter of software and other outsourcing services. It is fast developing into an open-market economy and has been growing at a rate of seven percent (7%) per year since 1997. It is second only to the US in the number of cell phones in use by its residents.
  Global Issue Background Despite its dazzling economic growth India is still a desperately poor country by most measures. The average person still earns less than $2 a day. Almost a quarter of India’s population lives in extreme poverty according to the World Bank. As a result of this poverty about half of India’s school children are malnourished – even higher then sub-Saharan Africa.
  India’s education system is also in critical shape. Children of the small elite in India receive excellent education in British-style private schools but there is little or no education at all for people at the of the pyramid particularly women. Only about half of the female population is literate by the age of 15. According to a 2001 Census female students receive an average 9 years of education while boys attend school for about 11 years— and only 15% of students will ever reach high school.
  印度的教育体系也是饱受争议。一小部分的精英家庭的孩子接受了高端的英式私立学校的教育,但是一部分在金字塔底层的人,尤其是女人,只接受了极少的教育,甚至一点教育都没有接受。15岁的女性中只有一半的人接受过教育。根据2001年的人口普查,在印度,女性平均接受9年的义务教育,男性平均接受11 年的教育——只有15%的人最终会接受大学教育。
  State-run schools in India’s rural areas are in critical shape. Both the primary and secondary schools are overcrowded and under-funded. According to a recent survey by the World Economic Forum India’s elementary schools are among the worst in the world. Even when children are in school they are not receiving much of an education.
  How India uses its economic growth to solve the twin issues of poverty and sub-standard education is a major question not only for India but for the world.
  Basic Itinerary Lodging and Food
  We will spend our first few days in India in Mumbai India’s commercial capital and one of the most diverse and fast-growing cities in the world. We will go through orientation explore the city and volunteer at a school inside of Dharavi Slum where the movie Slumdog Millionaire was filmed.
  After two full days in Mumbai we will take a boat ferry to a community outside of Mumbai where we will begin our community immersion. In the mornings we work on the primary Community Project which will be designed in consultation with the needs and desires of the local community. After lunch we will have time to pursue specific interests such as cultural activities and playing sports or to explore and deepen personal bonds with community members. On many evenings the group will reconvene for Learning Sessions designed to promote the understanding of global issues leadership and local culture. On the final day in the community we will have a community celebration to celebrate the Community Project. The next day we will return to Mumbai for the flight home.
  Daily Itinerary – Subject to Change
  Other cultures function differently than the United States especially when it comes to schedules and timelines. Despite our best attempts to plan thoroughly unanticipated circumstances and last-minute changes to the itinerary will happen. Community Projects which are determined according to the needs and desires of the host community can change at the last minute. Students often say that learning to be flexible and accepting different (and often challenging) cultural practices is one of the most valuable things they take from a World Leadership School program. Please be flexible and remember that adapting to change is a critical skill for future leaders working in global settings!



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