
2016-06-20 13:27:37阅读:136


  我将给你们介绍一个令人振奋的新的游学项目。今年十月的国庆节期间,我们将与美国一所顶尖的、致力于提升学生领导力的世界领导力学院(World Leadership School)合作,展开一场印度之旅。
  美国梦沃学校(上海)学术主任 Chris Moses
  Dear MVA Shanghai Parents I’m writing to introduce an exciting new travel program that we’ll offer during the National Days holiday this October: a trip to India in partnership with the World Leadership School a U.S.-d leader in student enrichment programs.
  The experiences students have in programs like this profoundly shape their views of the world and their perspectives about their own goals and ambitions and most importantly help them to develop the confidence determination and leadership skills they need to begin realizing those goals.
  Colleges and universities deeply value these skills—far more than test scores or even traditional academic programs. When colleges ask the question “Can this student overcome challenges? Can they work in a dynamic inter-cultural environment? Do they ask smart questions about their world?” —it is the experience provided in a program like this that gives colleges the confidence to say “Yes!”
  Further so few students from China (or even in the U.S.) have opportunities like this it really sets them apart in the application process. Differentiation is the #1 goal in the application process: how are you unique what makes you special? Amongst the tens of thousands of Chinese students applying each year what has made you a particularly interesting and capable applicant?
  Whether it’s writing a truly unique expressive essay or being able to talk about your major or areas of interest with passion and great real-world examples the intensive lived experience of an eleven-day program like this can’t be matched.
  Speaking personally I helped lead World Leadership School’s first program in India in the spring of 2012 when I worked in Brooklyn. I saw how incredibly it shaped those students how much they learned about themselves and the strength and confidence they gained. They came back to school more focused and got better grades; they had goals for college and were very successful in their application process.
  Unlike many “service” or “volunteer” programs World Leadership School partners with communities and develops the best quality academic and leadership programs for trip participants. Students learn they contribute and they reflect. WLS works with some of the very best and most selective schools in the United States and has a reputation for being by far the best organization that provides such opportunities for young people.
  We’re truly extremely luck to be the first school in China—the first school outside the U.S. in fact—to partner with World Leadership School. They have a proven record of success have the highest safety and security standards and the best-trained and most professional staff of any global educational organization I know of. I’m thrilled to have been able to help organize this opportunity for our students and know that this trip will be the start of a successful and rewarding partnership for our school.
  The following trip details offer a great deal of information about the program though if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
  Chris Moses
  Academic Dean
  Montverde Academy Shanghai
  Chris Moses 从里德学院获得历史学学士学位,随后在普林斯顿大学继续硕士和博士阶段的学习。曾在美国担任招生负责人、升学顾问以及纽约独立学校学生处主任。他是上海美国梦沃学校(Montverde Academy-Shanghai)的创始者之一,讲授英语和美国历史。



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