2023-03-01 14:22:21阅读:15
The Faculty of International Languages and Culture is very proud to announce the successful registration of WASCZ as a Cambridge English test centre. Such a milestone bears testimony to our school’s commitment to excellence; we have joined an elite group of international schools affiliated with Cambridge Assessment English.
学校所有学生都将获得定期参加剑桥英语评估的机会,从而获得全球认可的剑桥英语证书。常州威雅小学部将按照剑桥少儿英语的标准,逐步帮助学生们全面提升(Pre A1 Starters、A1 Movers 和 A2 Flyers),中学部将致力于帮助学生们把英语能力依次提升至A2 Key for Schools、B1 Preliminary for Schools和B2 First for Schools这三个等级。常州威雅的的学生们将有机会实时证明他们的英语水平。随着不断的进步,他们也将获得剑桥大学英语考评部颁发的证书。
As a result all WASCZ students now have regular opportunities to obtain international qualifications from Cambridge Assessment English. In our Lower School this is through the Young Learners Exams (Pre A1 Starters A1 Movers and A2 Flyers) and in our Upper School through A2 Key for Schools B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools. WASCZ students will now have the chance to prove their English level and be rewarded for their hard work as they progress and with a Cambridge seal of distinction.
剑桥英语的语言评估系统始创于1913 。历经110年的风霜洗礼,仍是该领域毋庸置疑的最高权威。此外,它还是雅思(国际英语语言测试系统)的共同所有者、剑桥英语教学资格证书(例如 TKT、CELTA、DELTA)的制作者,以及欧洲语言共同参考框架CEFR的共同开发者。鉴于常州威雅的大多数学生都打算将来前往英国、美国或其他英语国家学习,在他们十一或十二年级参加雅思测试之前,能以此作为外部验证,获得额外操练的机会,学们认为对他们是大有裨益的,因为剑桥英语一直以来都被全球广泛认可,且为学生们提供了现实生活中实用的沟通技巧。
This system of language assessment by Cambridge English has been around since 1913. One hundred and ten years later Cambridge English remains as the top authority in the field. This is in addition to being the co-owner of IELTS (International English Language Testing System) producer of Cambridge English Teaching Qualifications (e.g. TKT CELTA、DELTA) and co-developer of CEFR the Common European Framework of Reference. Given that most of our students in WASCZ are aiming to study in the UK USA and other English-speaking countries we are excited that they will soon have external verification before they sit the IELTS exam in Grade 11 or 12. Cambridge English qualifications are universally recognized and provide students with real-life communication skills.
学校小学部Pre A1 Starters、A1 Movers 和 A2 Flyers 这三个等级的测试生动且富有趣味性。该测试是基于活动,并且为适配小学生年龄而设计的。希望以此确保小小学习者能通过测试逐步建立起对英语学习的自信心。所以证书将突出小学生们在当前水平和年龄下一系列沟通任务中的成功。中学部A2 Key for Schools、B1 Preliminary for Schools 和B2 First for Schools这三个等级也是如此。无论学生们是已经达到英语流利水平还是仍在努力中,在听力、阅读、写作和口语四大板块上,都会有为他们能力量身定制的任务来进行科学考评。
Our Lower School will use the Young Learners as they are specifically designed for children aged 6-12. Pre A1 Starters A1 Movers and A2 Flyers exams are fun and colourful; test tasks are activity-d and age-appropriate. This is to ensure the exams build our young learners’ confidence step by step. The certificate they receive highlights their success in a range of communication tasks set for their current level and age. The same is true for A2 Key for Schools B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools which would be accessed by students in Upper School. Listening Reading Writing and Speaking are assessed through engaging tasks set appropriately for them whether they are developing or fluent users of English language.
On Sunday 26 of February a group of students from Grades 7 to 9 sat the first ever Cambridge English exams at WASCZ. We are confident that they will be successful. More exam schedules will be set for students of WASCZ in the near future!