
2016-09-28 13:55:28阅读:132


  1. 主动开放——伸出你的友谊之手
  2. 有礼貌——良好的礼貌由微小的牺牲组成
  3. 不挖苦别人——多以言语和行动表示对别人的欣赏
  4. 勇于认错——不肯说“对不起”是懦弱的表现
  5. 留意自己的言行举止——粗鲁损坏一切
  6. 严守秘密——对得起别人对你的信任
  7. 尊重别人——一个人如果感到不被尊重,会被深深激怒
  8. 坦诚——没有人愿意和虚伪的人交朋友
  9. 不开过分的玩笑——万一玩笑过头,马上当众道歉,以免带来误会
  10. 不要以自我为中心——坚持你的意见,同时接纳别人
  The senior education psychologist Chen Mo from East China Normal University came to WUIS Secondary on May 19.
  Professor Chen delivered two separate lectures to both Middle School and High School. The topic was ‘I am the master of my youth’. In the lecture for High School she talked about students self-management and personal values. She discussed the following questions with the students. How to be good at time management? What is self-control? What is the purpose of learning? What are my life targets? How do I get along with parents? How to be a popular person?
  Professor Chen enables students to understand the difference between human-being and animals. Human beings have a spiritual side but animal do not. Professor Chen also shared the three elements of love they are passion commitment and intimacy. As the students do not have the three elements at all their feelings are only the good feeling for opposite side not true love at this stage.
  In the lecture for middle school the content was about friendship. The students were very proactive in answering Professor Chen’s questions. Please remember the poem about friendship from the lecture.
  Be helpful to give your hand to others
  Be courteous—the greatest courtesy sometimes needs your compromise
  Be positive—praise others with language and actions
  Be brave—don’t afraid of apologizing
  Be more reflective—refuse to be rude
  Be trust worthy—keep a confidential
  Be respectful—respect yourself and respect others
  Be honest—no one wants to make friends with a shallow person
  Be decent—no more trustful jokes
  Be tolerant—hold your own opinion and accept others’





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