
2016-10-08 17:20:09阅读:128


  那么问题又来了,Pictionary是什么呢?字面上来看,Pictionary 就是picture(图片)+ dictionary(字典),图片字典吗?这样的解释好像不是很清晰,但是非常帮助理解,白话文解释就是“你画我猜”。
  比赛当天,经过紧张激烈的三轮初赛、半决赛和决赛后,9年级Team Two Pieces获得了第一名的好成绩,第二名和第三名分别被六年级的女生组合和九年级的吃货组合获得。
  这里要特别对6年级取得第二名好成绩的女生组合 Mojo Hong Grace Gao Apple Lin Lucy Li Tina Feng提出表扬,她们合作默契,与来自7,8,9年级学长学姐们比赛,毫不逊色。
  How much fun can you get from learning English? Lots of people might say that there isonly pain in studying English. But we do not agree.
  To motivate students’ interest in English using WUIS ESL department held a Pictionary competition for students of Grade 6 7 8 and 9 last Thursday.
  The question “What is Pictionary?” is asked by everyone frequently. Here is the explanation picture + dictionary = pictionary. Students work in teams to participate in the competition.
  Usually there are 2 teams working together. Each team has their best sketcher to draw the picture of the words given by the teacher. The rest team members try to guessthe words as soon as possible. The team which gets the most words correctly becomes the winner.
  WUIS ESL department prepared the competition for 2 weeks and successfully attracted 12 teams to participate. Besides the 48 participants there were more than 60 audiences watching the interesting competition which lasted for 2.5 hours.
  After three rounds Team Two Pieces of Grade 9 won the first prize award. The second prize award goes to Team Girls of Grade 6. Team Foodie of Grade 9 won the third prize. Everyone had great fun together and looked forward to the next competition.
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