“环游世界”2016多元文化节 Celebrating Diversity

2016-04-17 09:48:38阅读:184


  Affiliated Kindergarten WUIS hold their ALL CULTURES FESTIVAL every March annually. Each class usually learns about one country during the activity. They generally learn about the distinctive feature of that particular country such as the national flag national anthem flower costumes stories and the like. Every class shows their own “country” through exhibition and eventually “travel” around the world to learn about the other countries.
  K-1 and K-2 children learned about the “Charming Africa”.  During this time they learned about variety of cultures from Africa - arts sports etc. during their one-month activity.
  Parents of Bambi and Dolphin Classes prepared beautiful costumes for their children.  Bambi Class children were like Pharaohs and Queens while Dolphin Class children wore their native costumes.
  Toddler and Pre-K children learned about Egypt and Madagascar through face painting dancing sports etc.
  Butterfly class children had their cosplay costumes on while Bee Class children wore Thai’s traditional costume.
  Children from “other countries” experienced Japanese custom and tradition and learned Thailand’s traditional dance.
  Toddler children wore the Peruvian traditional costumes with beautiful flower garlands and hats. They also have Peruvian traditional instrument hanging around their necks while “traveling” around the world.
  Teachers prepared Peruvian Coin Toss Game “Sapo” for children to play with. Children who traveled to Peru not only learned about the country as well as practiced their Math ability.
  We provide multi-cultural activities in order to help children develop open-mindedness and be able to merge Chinese and Western cultures in our curriculum. We provide a highly qualified International education that prepares young children for the future support their development to become a global citizen and a proud representative of their culture.
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