SSSA Volleyball Tournament 无锡协和 排球联赛

2016-04-23 09:39:56阅读:220

   无锡协和国际高中(获悉:上周六无锡协和主办了SSSA U15 和U19的女子排球联赛,本次比赛有体育组Coach Memo Mata Coach Rob Lewis and Coach Jason Lee组织安排并且获得了行政部门的大力支持。

  On Saturday April 16th 2016 WUIS hosted the SSSA U15 and U19 Girls Volleyball Tournament organized by Coach Memo Mata Coach Rob Lewis and Coach Jason Lee with great support from the administration department.

  由于天气问题,原本预定的U15和U19男子足球比赛不得不取消。 但是强烈的体育精神得以在女子排球赛中体现。学校体育馆人头攒动,来自上海德国人学校、华东康桥国际学校、包玉刚学校以及上海西华国际学校,协和万源、古北、浦东校区的排球队挤满了场地。
  Due to the bad weather WUIS had to cancel the SSSA Boys U15 and U19 Tournament.  However spirits were high among the girls Volleyball team despite the bad weather. One by one girl volleyball teams from The Deutsche Schule (German School) of Shanghai  Kang Qiao International School YkPao Western International School of Shanghai SUIS Wan Yuan SUIS Gubei and SUIS Pudong started filing into the gym.
  The most exciting match of the entire tournament was our WUIS U19 Girls Volleyball vs the 1st place YkPao.  Led by our WUIS scoring leader Grade 10 Nemo Shi our girls took the early lead.  However YkPao came back to even the score.The lead changed a few times before YkPao pulled an exciting upset over our WUIS girls and won the match26-24.Despite the loss our girls were happy with the progress they had made over the tournament.
  我校U15 排球队表现优异,虽以小比分负于协和浦东、包玉刚以及西华,但是令人振奋的是本次联赛的最后一场在对协和古北的比赛中她们取得了胜利,取得了历史首胜。祝贺我们的排球女将们!
  Our WUIS U15 team was led in hits and points by Tina Wang and played some very close matches. They lost by narrow margins to SUIS Pudong YKPao and Western International School of Shanghai. However we are so excited that the last match of the tournament our WUIS U15 girls WON their first ever match in school history verses SUIS Gubei in a consolidation match. Congratulations to our girls for working so hard for their first win.
  The results of the U19 tournament was YKPao in First Place Deutsche Schule of Shanghai in Second and SUIS WanYuan in third.
  The results of the U15 tournament was YKPao in First place SUIS Pudong in Second Place and Western International School of Shanghai in 3rd.
  We had over 100 girl volleyball ps from 8 international schools from both Shanghai and Suzhou to compete inthi
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