疯狂发型日 It’s a Crazy Hair Day!

2016-04-30 09:24:08阅读:232

  无锡协和国际高中(http://www.51guoji.com/xhsygj/)获悉:您知道“疯狂发型日”(Crazy Hair Day)吗?在4月8日这天,无锡市协和双语国际学校附属幼儿园的小朋友们就在这个有趣的节日感受了一把不一样的自己。

  Some of you may be unfamiliar with the activity – “Crazy Hair Day.” On the other hand Affiliated Kindergarten WUIS had the opportunity to learn and engaged in this kind of activity last April 08.
  They had a chance to pretend to be someone else with their bizarre hair style. Some were cute some looked matured and some were really strange etc.  All of them showed up in class to impress us all.
  Can you figure out which one is your teacher? Our teachers also indulged themselves in this special event.托、小班的宝宝们出场啦!看,跟着音乐节奏的我们今天都是最特别的自己!
  Here come our children from Toddler and Pre-K levels!  They’re ready for the show!
  中大班的小朋友在这天结合社会实践活动来到荟聚购物中心的Beau Kids沙龙进行了属于他们的“疯狂发型日”。
  Beau Kids Salon at LIVAT Shopping Center helped our children in Bambi and Dolphin Classes for a fabulous show!
  First the hairdressers showed the children around and introduced the hair salon’s tools and facilities.
  The barbers also showed their skill in hair styling.  Look!  Our children were comfy sitting on the barber’s chair. Wow!  Our children were like hair models!
  After that our children had their chance to show their artistic skills – they used different materials to decorate their classmate’s hair.
  After the activity they headed to McDonald’s for lunch.  They received some presents too!Show Time! 小朋友们自己完成的“疯狂发型”是不是都极具特色!他们都是天生的小模特!
  Show Time! Job well done! See how talented and skillful our children were!
  See! They are the King and Queen of Crazy Hair Style!
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