“自律”主题集会 'Self-discipline themed assembly

2016-05-04 09:44:44阅读:109


  What is the most important factor of success? ‘Self-discipline’ is an absolutelynecessary answer to this question under this free society situation.
  在公益短片《Dumb ways to die》欢快的歌声中,每一个人都感受到了人类因各种不当甚至愚蠢的行为而承受了必然的后果,那么,对于我们学生而言,是哪些不恰当的、缺乏控制的言行而带来了成长的偏差呢?七(1)班的学生,用极具张力的表演,告诉了我们答案。
  With the happy singing from the Public Service Advertising video ‘Dumbways to die’ people have realized the inevitable consequence from different inappropriate  or even silly activities. So for our students which inappropriate or lack of controlled behavior could lead to lack of development? The Grade 7 set 1 students told us the answer by their intensive performance.
  Argument caused by losing personal belongings
  Physical conflict caused by over messing about
  Comparing each other’s purchases
  Homework delays
  Obsessed on TV and gaming……. These scenes caused the students to laugh. Meanwhile it also made them reflect whether these behaviors happened to them.
  Luke and Ken did an exciting speech afterwards which made us realize the importance of self-discipline. During the performancethe rest of the class on stage all sat quietly with their phones and ignored what was happening. They would like to tell the students that the biggest self-discipline is to change the habit of obsessing on electronic devices.
  In the end Grade 7 set 1 students used a video clip from an excellent TED speech ‘Don't Eat the Marshmallow…Yet!’ to end the performance. The students have realized there is no short-cut to success. Set a goal and bring self-discipline with you during the journey to the mile-stones.
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