【幼儿园】“献一份爱心,多一分绿色”植树节活动Arbor Day

2016-03-24 14:55:12阅读:140


  Spring is in the air!  With the spring breeze and green grass on the ground children’s enthusiasm is mounting.
  March 12 is the annual Arbor Day Affiliated Kindergarten WUIS children participated in this event through planting activity - "Love Offering - A little bit of Green."
  Spring may already be here but the cold winter breeze is still upon us.  Children gathered together for this special event – understanding the importance of planting trees/plants and the benefits we can get from them.
  Look how busy they were!  They helped each other in picking up the shovel planting seeds etc.  Afterwards they water the plants with care!
  Big brothers and sisters in our campus gathered together to help children in the lower levels water the plants and trees in the school.  They even put up the signs on how to care and protect flowers and plants to show their love and concern for the environment.
  In the afternoon representatives from Bambi and Dolphin Classes went to Wuxi Xishan Special School to offer their love by bringing in plants for the schoolchildren.
  While planting we saw how happy these children were in working together to make their environment green again!
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