
2016-03-24 15:04:49阅读:91

   On the cool autumn morning of October 16th with a Tan Kwai fragrance floating on the breeze Wuxi United International School primary teachers and students were looking forward to Sports Day with eager anticipation. Soon after in an opening ceremony held in the gymnasium Mr. David and Miss Ella officially announced the commencement of Sports Day 2015.

  10月16日,金秋送爽,丹桂飘香。在这美好的日子里,无锡市协和双语国际学校小学部的师生们迎来了期盼已久的运动会,比赛在Mr. David和Miss Ella的宣布下正式拉开了序幕。
  The morning featured the individual competitions. Children from all classes in Grade 1 2 and 3 took part in nine different events! Our young athletes had to work extremely hard. As soon as they completed one event it was a non-stop rush to the next. Although the schedule was extremely compact this did not affect the children's enthusiasm and desire to compete in every possible event. After nine events of the fierce competition it was time for lunch and a chance for the students to rest and prepare for the afternoon’s activities.
  The schedule for the afternoon consisted of the group activities and different games were held in three venues. Participating children were very involved and other students cheered with eager enthusiasm and applauded both the winners and the runners-up. All the activities throughout the afternoon were celebrated in warm and vigorous spirit. In the Grade 1 and 2 tug- of -war competition was fierce. When the game whistle sounded each class of competitors had to use their whole body strength to pull the rope backwards. In another venue the Grade 3 football match was also in full swing. Finally the P1A class P2C and P3B class were rewarded for their mutual cooperation winning their team events. During the course of the games there was laughter and there were tears but children grouped together to become a united force and in doing so they created some unforgettable memories.
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