
2016-04-29 11:58:37阅读:71

  上海市民办新和中学国际部最新报道  你知道联合国是什么吗?而这个组织的责任又是什么?虽然在我们学校的模拟联合国社团中社员们对联合国有不少了解,但“联合国”对某些同学来说依旧是一个熟悉而陌生的词。
   With great honor we invited Professor He from United Nation incharge of the Chinese program to visit our school. He gave some of our students a speech about the buildings of the UN their daily routine and main parts of the UN and how it functions. Professor He gave us a comprehensive speech and all students have a deeper understanding of the UN. He told us a lot of unknownthings about UN. Everything is new and worth trying. At the end of the speechmany students asked great questions to professor He he answered with his own opinion. He wished that more and more students could become part of the UN team!
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