
2016-08-08 14:24:25阅读:152

   亚洲规模最大的“模拟联合国”活动——全球青年模拟联合国大会2016(WEModelUnitedNationsEXPO2016,简称WEMUNEXPO2016)开幕,会议选在了位于素有“国际会都”美誉的北京市怀柔区的北京雁栖湖国际会展中心。据悉,为期四天的会议吸引了来自中国,美国,英国,韩国, 印度等世界各地的逾1000人参加,上海新和中学国际部代表团的MUN CLUB也有5名代表参加此次活动,下面就带大家一起去详细了解一下2016年全球青年模拟联合国大会:

  中国公共外交协会会长龚建忠大使,前联合国全球教学与教育项目(United Nations Global Teaching and Learning Project)负责人William Yotive先生出席了开幕式并作为开幕式嘉宾致辞。另外,共青团北京市怀柔区委员会书记黄峰,副书记王瑶及北京蔚蓝国际科技教育有限公司总裁兼首席执行官曹疏野亦出席了开幕式。
2016年全球青年模拟联合国大会:William Yotive致辞
  前联合国全球教育项目经理William Yotive在开幕式上致辞
  “今年,我们对会址进行了重新的选择,确保代表可以体验到最佳的会议服务品质。这种品质是蔚蓝国际在过去十年中始终恪守和遵循的承诺,”蔚蓝国际市场及传播副总裁郭鼐表示,“我们希望能够将WEMUN EXPO打造成全球最顶级的模联活动,这不仅仅是每一个蔚蓝人的梦想,更是这些热爱模联活动的同学们的期待。我们现在正在越来越接近这个目标。”
  作为蔚蓝国际成立十周年之后的首个旗舰型会议项目,WEMUN EXPO 2016较去年相比使用了更为强大的会议合作伙伴体系。来自美国,英国,韩国以及联合国自身运作体系的各大分会共下设超过25个委员会,议题更加贴近当下国际时事,以增强论点和教育意义。同时,中国公共外交协会在会议过程中提供的强大资源支持力度,使学生能够在分组会议中充分过一把“外交官”的瘾。
  “我们正在积极拓展会议的多元性,这其中就包括了与全球资源的连接和分享,”北京蔚蓝国际教育科技有限公司总裁兼首席执行官曹疏野先生表示,“我们十分欣喜地 看到在今年的会议上使用了联合国全球教学与教育项目的成果。这一全新的模联会议体系更加贴近真正联合国的运作和风格,这种模拟可谓是‘全真’的,代表的体 验也会更加丰富。在未来,蔚蓝国际不仅将致力于深耕模联教育领域,我们会全面拓展核心业务的内容,加强与任何有潜在合作可能的伙伴之间的合作。”
  2016年新和国际代表团的MUN CLUB共有5名代表参加此次活动,他们分别是来自11年级的Jason(Secretary General)和Sophia,来自10年级的Irving和Kevin,还有来自9年级的Jim。
上海新和中学国际部国际代表团:MUN CLUB成员
  This is the third MUN trip since the foundation of the NC-XH MUN Team. All the delegates felt excited for the new MUN trip to Beijing.
  This trip was full of difficulties. Our plane was delayed for an hour because of the bad weather in Shanghai. After we arrived at the hotel all the delegates felt exhausted for such a long time waiting in the airport and three hours travel from Shanghai to the hotel in Beijing. But all the people fell excited to meet their old friends from the ILMUNC 2016 and even from WEMUN EXPO 2015. This was amazing.
  The opening ceremony was fantastic. This year Weland official invited the Vice President of China Public Diplomatic Association---Jianzhong Gong and the former manager of the United Nation Global teaching and learning project---William Yotive to give a speech. The way they introduced the Chairs and assistant directors was the traditional performance of Beijing. Last year they use the Beijing opera to announce the opening of the WEMUN EXPO 2015;This year they used lion dance to announce the opening of WEMUN EXPO 2016.
  This year every delegate went to different committees. Sophia went to the International Court of Justice; Jason went to the United Nation Security Council; Kevin went to the Organization of American State; Jim went to the World Health Organization and Irving went to the Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee. Although they were very tired they still put fully attention to the meeting and make every speech perfectly. As a team leader as well the delegates of MUNUC—UNSC I felt proud of them especially Jim and Irving because both of them are freshmen of the MUN Conference.
  This was a successful start of a new MUN Trip.
  Secretary General




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