
2019-10-11 14:53:45阅读:11

  踏着金秋的九月,新府学外国语学校处处充满了温暖,处处洋溢着幸福的感觉。9月中旬至今,学生们越来越适应开学后的节奏和生活,选修课和社团也有条不紊地开展着,不同年龄段的孩子在同一个校园经历着多彩多姿的校园生活。金秋月末,在喜迎祖国70华诞的特殊时刻,我们的内心充满着欢乐与骄傲。我们还将迎来十一小长假,在这个欢聚与憧憬的日子里,XFA News与您分享近两周的校园生活。













  澳大利亚数学竞赛AMC由国际权威学术机构澳大利亚数学联合会(AMT)举办,分为5个难度级别考试。AMT由澳大利亚著名数学家 Peter O’Halloran 发起创办,是国际权威的学术机构之一,旨在丰富各个阶段学生的数学教育内容,提供更前沿的数学思想、理论动态和教育资源。澳大利亚数学联合会总部位于堪培拉大学,由来自澳大利亚和世界各地的数学家、教育工作者和专业数学协会成员组成。








  XFA News

  Our students have gradually settled down into the daily routines of school-life in XFA and are beginning to participate fully in a variety of school activities and enrichment programmes. It is indeed a festive and joyous mid-autumn season in XFA marked by the elaborate celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of founding of the People’s Republic of China and the much anticipated National Day holidays.

  Mid-autumn Festival Celebration in XFA

  As one of the four important traditional festivals in China Mid-autumn festival always evoke a special nostalgic feeling in people.

  The XFA Elementary and Middle School Department organised many interesting activities for our students such as poetry recitation and moon-cake making lessons helping students appreciate their rich cultural heritage.

  The Chinese Language Department conducted a Chinese Character Spelling Contest. Besides spelling teachers also help our students understand the meaning and stories behind those words.

  Visits by Friends from Singapore Ministry of Education and Nanyang Technological University

  On 20th of September XFA hosted a distinguished group of senior educators from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Singapore Ministry of Education. These scholars and school leaders are participants of the Management and Leadership in Schools programme of NTU. They were greeted by Principal Yew Yi Head of the International Curriculum Centre and our school’s junior ambassadors. Besides touring our campus our visitors had the opportunity to observe our students in action fully engaged in learning. During the dialogue session our visitors were given an overview of the XFA international curriculum and its unique features. We believe that the friendships forged between XFA and our Singapore counterparts will pave the way for further academic collaborations and student exchanges between XFA and Singapore students.

  More Information

  国际交流 | 新加坡教育局及南洋理工大学学者访问新府学

  The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)

  XFA was appointed to be the Northern China test site for the 2019 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) on 21st September 2019.

  The AMC founded by Australian mathematician Peter O’Halloran and is organized by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT). AMT is a world renowned organization which aims to enrich the teaching and learning of mathematics for students. AMT is a member of the University of Canberra and consists of mathematicians educators and Math societies from around the world.

  About 100 students from our school took part in this competition consisting of five levels of difficulties. Our students have gained much by preparing for this competition. The intensive training and preparation leading up to the competition has helped them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  Student Union Selection

  The Student Union plays an important role in XFA by supporting school activities and helping to spearhead initiatives to enhance students’ well-being. Student Union members are expected to uphold high standards of discipline as they represent the ethos of the school and are role-models for their peers.

  In XFA students who wish to be part of the Student Union undergo a rigorous selection process consisting of campaigning; voting by student body and the faculty and selection interviews by school leaders. Successful candidates will take up various roles in the Student Union according to their areas of passion. We congratulate the successful candidates and believe that the newly minted student leaders will contribute to a more vibrant and positive school culture.

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