
2015-08-17 11:16:18阅读:59


  The theme of this week is the Science Week in Sino-Canada Elementary School we expanded a series of activities during this time.


  First of all our children experienced farming in the experimental field with their home teachers and PE teachers.They planted the seedswatering everyday and obtained the harvest. There are vegetables and flowers which brought from their homes.While the kids are sweatingdoing the dirty work but they insist on rippingdiggingseeding and watering.So we can find the enthusiasm that they have and look forward to the harvest.


  The next is the exploration with science teachers----Looking for allkinds of plants in the campus. Our children are all very interested in this subjectso they surrounded the science teacher and asked a lot of questions.



  The science teacher produced a route after several visits.There are a wide variety of plants that growth in the watergrass and pots...This entertaining teaching methods is very useful for childrenand in this way our students can learn a lot of knowledge.



  Herethe class in nature also let the students feel fresh.Onthe lake class 1 grade 6 students had a meeting called “I”.Their home teacher Miss Yang said: Never had reached this classroom results.


  Finally we should expand more of this natural activities in the future!

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